Fawkes, by Nadine Brandes
"Guy Fawkes son must join his fathers plot to kill the king in this magical retelling of the Gunpowder Plot that will sweep you back in time to a divided England plagues turns people into stone. In 17th-century London two forces rule the people: the color powers and the Stone Plague. Brown masks can manipulate wood. Black masks control the night. And red mask. . . Well, that's the color of blood. Thomas Fawkes color test is upon him, and he is sure his father, the infamous Guy Fawkes, will present him a mask and Thomas will finally bond with a color. He desperetly hopes for a gray mask so he can remove the stone that has invaded his body and will ultimately take his life. But when Guy refuses to give Thomas a mask, or his presence, Thomas has no place in school or society. His only hope is to track down his father and demand a mask to regain what hes lost. But his father has other plans: to kill the king. Thomas must join forces with his father if he wants to save his own li...