The Shadow Throne, By Jennifer A. Nielsen (3rd book in the Ascendance Series)


"War has come to Carthya. It knocks at every door and window in the land. And when Jaron learns King Vargen of Avenia has captured Imogen in a plot to bring Carthya to it's knees, Jaron knows its up to him to embark on a daring rescue mission. But everything that can go wrong does. His friends are scattered across Carthya and its neighboring lands. In a last-ditch effort to stave off what looks to be a devastating loss for the kingdom, Jaron cannot forestall the terrible danger that decends upon him and his country. Along the way, will he lose what matters most? And in the end, who will sit on the throne of Carthya? Rousing and affecting, Jaron's adventures have thrilled and moved readers in the False Prince and the Runaway King. Journey once more with the Ascendant King of Carthya, as New York Times bestselling author, Jennifer A. Nielsen, brings his story to a stunning conclusion in the Shadow Throne,"

"Villians and plots and enemies are simple things to me. But friendships are complicatied, and love is harder still. It wounded me deeper then a sword ever could,"

"If you hurt deeply, then it means you love deeply too. Love is a powerful thing, Jaron. And in the end love will help you win this war,"                                                                                                                         
 I chuckled, "That'd be a fine strategy I think. When the enemy wields a sword against me, I'll simply express my love for them. They'll be so shoked, they'll collapse on the spot and victory will be mine,"        
"I daresay you will be the first to claim victory that way,"                                                                             

"You were wrong commander. Whatever chains you try to place on me, I will always, always, rise from them. I'm not buying my freedom, because you never owned it. But I am taking it back, for me, and for my country,"

"I never denied being a fool, that's the difference between us,"

"I risked my life for you. So don't you ever disrespect the risks I took by claiming your not worth it!"

Jennifer...don't make me cry! This was such a ride of emotions, action, and death, and it was an amazing sequal to the Runaway King. This book is competeing with the False Prince as 1st place in the series! for me anyway. Jaron was so valiant and brave in this one yet his humor never surprises me. Just when you think all hope is gone he brings out the biggest twist and surprises me! In a good way. In this one he gets to play with explosions and its great, MUHAHAHA! This one is probably the most emotional as well, the romance gets you just waiting and waiting thinking: "My gosh Jaron, just admit it!" Every page filled me with anticapation and when I finished it at 1am I put it away, and just stared processing everything, and the next day I just had to pick it up and just see it again! 
I recommend to 12-Adults and rate it 10/10, (Again I know!!) It will keep you on the edge of a cliff and I couldn't put it down! finished it, yet again, in a day, after yet again dying in anticapation to get it from the library, after a week or less. This series has too many quotes to write, hope you enjoy :)  
(Cause you'll read it!!!)

Happy reading :D
